OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

Infuse™ Bone Graft is the premium product for autograft replacement* due to its high osteoinductivity. Infuse bone graft is recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) applied to an absorbable collagen sponge carrier (ACS). One of the functions of the protein is to stimulate natural bone formation. Infuse bone graft is osteoconductive and highly osteoinductive.

Table 1: Mechanism of Action for rhBMP-2/ACS*
1 Implantation rhBMP-2/ACS is implanted.
2 Chemotaxis Migration of mesenchymal stem cells and other bone-forming cells to the site of implantation.
3 Proliferation rhBMP-2/ACS provides an environment where stem cells multiply prior to differentiation.
4 Differentiation rhBMP-2 binds to specific receptors on the stem cell surface signaling them to differentiate into osteoblasts.
5 Bone formation and angiogenesis Osteoblasts respond to local mechanical forces to produce new mineralized tissue replacing the ACS. New blood vessel formation is observed at the same time.
6 Remodeling The body continues to remodel bone in response to the local environmental and mechanical forces, resulting in normal trabecular bone. (https://www.medtronic.com/us-en/index.html)

Instructions for Use

Medtronic Website

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