OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

AlloAid Acellular Dermal Matrix
AlloAid DM is sterilized human acellular dermis (ACD) processed to maintain the integrity of the biologic and structural components of the extracellular matrix.

Safety That Counts
AlloAid DM Acellular Dermis is processed by state-of-the-art facilities that use cutting-edge technologies that enable us to process tissues using precise, standardized methods that ensure quality and consistency across products and services.

Representation of SAL (Sterility Assurance Level). Designates the occurrence a living microorganism surviving the sterilization process. SAL of 10-6 designates the possibility of finding an unsterile product will be 1 in a million. While other sterilization methods have also been shown to inactivate viruses, they can be detrimental to the biological and physical properties of allograft bone. (https://i2b-usa.com/in2bones-home-page/home-2/)

In2Bones USA Website

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