OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

Large grafts are comprised of the diaphysis and epiphysis of long bones. Segments are subdivided into: whole, proximal, and distal.

MTF offers procedure appropriate and patient specific allografts to surgeons around the world. We are one of the only tissue banks to offer complex graft lines such as: osteoarticular allografts and special graft requests.

Tissue Code Product Specifications
450641 Fibula Proximal, Left: Frozen
450642 Fibula Proximal, Right: Frozen
450646 Fibula Whole, Left: Frozen
450647 Fibula Whole, Right: Frozen
450327 Ulna Whole, Left: Frozen
450387 Ulna Whole, Right: Frozen
450328 Radius Whole, Left: Frozen
450388 Radius Whole, Right: Frozen
450329 Radius Distal, Left: Frozen
450389 Radius Distal, Right: Frozen (https://www.mtfbiologics.org)

MTF Biologics Website

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