OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

Cross bar can be used to help control rotational stability, and can assist with removal.
Product No's:

6865-01 [Flat Blade Osteotome]
Overall Length: 11.125"
Osteotome Width: 20mm
6865-02 [Femoral Head Dislocation Lever]
Overall Length: 11.375”
Scoop Dimensions: 25mm x 57mm
6865-03 [Narrow Curved Osteotome]
Overall Length: 12”
Osteotome Width: 9mm
6865-04 [Wide Curved Osteotome]
Overall Length: 12”
Osteotome Width: 16mm
6865-05 [Swan Neck Curved Gouge]
Overall Length: 12”
Gouge Width: 23mm
5350-CB [Cross Bar] (http://innomed.net/index.htm)

Product Brochure

Innomed Website

Technique Tips



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