OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

Used before determining femoral component rotation to help properly tense the medial and lateral ligaments and help assure a stable, balanced flexion gap

An important part of surgical technique during total knee arthroplasty is the establishment of a symmetric balanced flexion gap. This can be achieved by tensing the medial and lateral ligaments with laminar spreaders and rotating the femoral component until a rectangular space is formed. The calibrated Tensor/Spreader allows the surgeon to choose a reproducible amount of tension across the medial or lateral flexion space.
In the varus knee, any medial release necessary to balance the knee in extension is performed first. In the valgus knee, the flexion gap can be balanced before the extension gap if the lateral retinaculum (not the lateral collateral ligament) is all that needs releasing to correct the deformity.
The spreader can be used before or after tibial preparation and also during revision surgery after a well-aligned tibial platform has been established.
The knee is flexed 90 degrees. Any medial retractor is removed. The medial gap is tensed with a plain or calibrated laminar spreader that is opened until the medial collateral ligament is fully tensed. The calibrated tensor is applied laterally and opened to the desired tension on the indicator. The femoral component is rotated until a rectangular gap is formed based off the tibial cut or an external tibial alignment device (if the tibial resection has not yet been performed).

Original with narrow pads designed to be used before making the femoral and tibial cuts.

Three NEW wide pad styles available! Designed for use after the cuts have been made.

Product No's:
1995 [Narrow Fixed Pads]
Overall Length: 7"
Blade Width: 7mm
Opens to: 40mm

1996 [Wide Fixed Pads*]
Overall Length: 7"
Pads: 22mm x 13mm
Opens to: 40mm

*Pad Modification
Designed by Raymond H. Kim, MD
1997 [Wide Block Pads]
Overall Length: 7"
Pads: 23mm x 12mm
Opens to: 40mm

1998 [Round Pads]
Overall Length: 7"
Pad Diameter: 25mm
Opens to: 40mm
US Patent #8,162,951 B2


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