OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

Our Atoll™ OCT spinal system provides a seamless transition from occiput to sacrum. Its array of screws, hooks, locking screw assemblies and connectors may be rigidly assembled into many configurations to promote fusion in a wide variety of patient anatomies.

Key Features:
• 90-degree, flex shaft instruments
• Friction head screw design
• Wide variety of cross connectors

The Atoll OCT Spinal System is indicated to promote fusion of the occipito-cervico-thoracic regions of the spine (Occiput – T3). The intended indications are as follows:
• Degenerative Disc Disease (as identified by neck or back pain of discogenic origin with degeneration of the disc confirmed by history and radiographic studies)
• Spondylolisthesis
• Spinal Stenosis
• Fracture/Dislocation
• Deformities or Curvature
• Tumors
• Pseudarthrosis
• Atlanto/axial fracture with instability
• Occipitocervical dislocation
• Revision of previous cervical and upper thoracic spine surgery

The occipital bone screws are limited to occipital fixation only. The use of the screws is limited to placement in the upper thoracic spine (T1-T3) in treating thoracic conditions only. Screws are not intended for use in the cervical spine.

The hooks and rods are also intended to provide stabilization to promote fusion following reduction of fracture/dislocation or trauma in the cervical/upper thoracic (C1-T3) spine.

The Atoll OCT Spinal System can also be linked to the SeaSpine Coral® Spinal System with the use of transitional rods and rod connectors.


Posterior Cervical Fusion (https://www.seaspine.com/)

SeaSpine Orthopedics Website

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