OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

For posterior spinal fusion procedures, Ballast is an easy-to-deliver, migration resistant, inductive bone graft.

Key Features:
• Procedure Specific Solution
- Ballast is designed to contour and maximize contact with the anatomy, while maintaining volume and shape under compression.
• 100% DBM
- No added fillers for maximum DBM content.
• Resorbable Mesh Pouch
- The PLGA mesh pouch simplifies graft placement and provides confidence that the DBM remains localized at the graft site. The mesh resorbs and does not inhibit formation nor elicit an inflammatory response.

Ballast™ is intended to fill voids and gaps in the skeletal system that are not intrinsic to the stability of the bony structure. The product is indicated for use with autograft as a bone graft extender in the posterolateral spine and pelvis. The voids or gaps may be surgically created defects or the result of traumatic injury to the bone. Ballast is resorbed/remodeled and replaced by host bone during the healing process. (https://www.seaspine.com)

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