OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

Our Accell Connexus® grafts combine demineralized bone matrix with patented Accell® bone matrix in a bioresorbable, reverse phase medium carrier. Provided in a syringe, the putty is moldable and resists irrigation. The putty may be implanted directly from the syringe.

Key Features:
• Accell Technology - The patented Accell process yields Accell bone matrix (ABM). ABM is an open-structured, dispersed form of DBM.
• Superior Handling - The unique, poloxamer, reverse phase medium carrier, which becomes more viscous at body temperature, provides exceptional handling and containment characteristics. The graft is moldable, packable, mixable and resists irrigation.
• Verified Osteoinductive Potential - Every lot of DBM is tested in a validated, in vitro assay to verify osteoinductive potential.
• Expert Processing - Ground cortical bone and cancellous bone obtained from AATB-accredited tissue banks is processed into DBM in our state-of-the-art facility. The demineralization process is tightly controlled to consistently produce demineralized bone.
• Electron Beam Sterilization - The processing of DBM and ABM is completed under aseptic conditions in our state-of-the-art facility. As the last step in manufacturing, the graft is sterilized via electron beam irradiation.

Accell Connexus® is intended for filling voids and gaps in the skeletal system that are not intrinsic to the stability of the bony structure. Accell Connexus is indicated for use as a bone graft extender in the spine, extremities and pelvis, or as a bone void filler in the extremities and pelvis. the voids or gaps may be surgically created defects or the result of traumatic injury to the bone. (https://www.seaspine.com)

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