OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

FlexiGRAFT® GraftLink® is a sutured tendon construct that can be used for ACL Reconstruction procedures

This product is not available in all markets

• No prep time or timely harvest of autograft required
• Trained technicians suturing graft for construct consistency
• GraftLink sutured tendons have greater ultimate load than unstitched tendons
• Construct eliminates donor site morbidity and associated pain from autograft harvest
• LifeNet Health's proprietary and patented Allowash XG® technology provides a sterility assurance level of 10-6

Clinical Application
• ACL Reconstruction
• PCL Reconstruction

Alternative Products
Soft Tissue Tendons, Patellar & Achilles Tendons, KinetiGRAFT®, Sutured Lateral Ankle Tendon

Frozen Description Size
L = 60 - 80 mm; D = 7.5 - 10.5 mm (https://www.lifenethealth.org)

LifeNet Health Website

Product Brochure

Technique Tips



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