OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

Absorbable implants for PIP and DIP arthrodesis in innovative sterile packaging

Reabsorbable implants in miniPack™ for PIP and DIP arthrodesis Combines the advantages of bioabsorbable MetaToe™ EndoSorb™ implants with the use of sterile disposable instruments. For immediate use. MetaToe™ EndoSorb™ screws maintain their strength for at least eight weeks. The implants are fully absorbed after 12 to 24 months. No foreign material remains in patients’ bodies, eliminating the need for a second operation.

Technical Data
• Material: PLGA [poly(lactide-co-glycolic acid)]
• Size: Diameter: 2.7 mm; length: 22 mm
• Resorption time: up to 24 months
• Requirements: Good neurovascular situation; no skin issues; good bone stock

• Reduced infection risk during rehabilitation: no transcutaneous K wires
• Shipped sterile – no advance processing needed
• Time savings
• Resource optimisation

• Proximal interphalangeal (PIP) arthrodesis
• Distal interphalangeal (PIP) arthrodesis (www.merete-medical.com)

Merete Medical, Inc. Website

Technique Tips



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