OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

The Acumed Anatomic Midshaft Forearm Plating System offers marked hardware improvements over traditional straight plates. The system can be used to treat fractures, fusions, and osteotomies of the radius and ulna. It can also be used in conjunction with the Acumed Forearm Rod System for a less invasive approach to both-bone fractures of the diaphyseal region.

The Anatomic Midshaft Forearm Plating System includes Midshaft Ulna Plates, Volar Midshaft Plates, and Dorsolateral Midshaft Radius Plates.


• The First Precontoured Radius Plates

Due to the sagittal bow of the radius, plating with contoured plates in the sagittal plane improves rotation when compared with straight plates. Additionally, for every 5-degree in radial curvature, a 15-degree loss in ROM may occur.

• Two Contoured Radius Plate Options

Acumed offers two plate types for the radius, including volar and dorsolateral approach options.

• Precontoured Plate Advantages

Precontoured plates may act as templates to restore forearm geometry, decrease surgery time in comparison to non-precontoured plates, and re-establish pronation and supination.

• Plate Design Features

Tapered plate ends may reduce stress on bone and risk of secondary or subsequent fracture adjacent to the plate. A limited-contact design may ease compression of the periosteum to minimize the decrease in blood supply to the healing zone.

• Creative Instrumentation

Innovative instrumentation includes a swiveling plate clamp, an angled drill guide, and a soft tissue spreader to aid in plate implantation. (https://www.acumed.net/)

Surgical Technique

Case Study

Case Study

Key Publications

Product Brochure

Acumed LLC Website

Technique Tips


5.0 out of 5 stars
Top Customer Reviews
Steven Taylor
  on August 21, 2019:

I like the anatomic plates they are really good for midshaft fractures. The precontour anatomy makes the case easier to use. The reduction clamps are good in this set as well.


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