OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

Ultrasound-guided Carpal Tunnel Release with the SX-One MicroKnife®

Carpal tunnel syndrome affects more than 12 million Americans and results in 500,000 surgeries every year. 1 Traditional open and endoscopic carpal tunnel release (CTR) procedures can be effective but may result in a lengthy recovery period and a large and sometimes painful scar.

The new, ultra-low profile SX-One MicroKnife® is an innovative surgical device that enables Ultrasound-guided Carpal Tunnel Release (USCTR) through a single micro-incision (4-5 mm) under ultrasound guidance, or with a traditional mini-open incision without ultrasound guidance. Minimally invasive techniques can result in a faster recovery time and minimal scarring.

• Micro-incision, Micro-recovery

• Excellent patient outcomes with USCTR compared to traditional surgery
- 5 times faster pain relief
- 5 times faster return to normal daily activities
- Significantly less pain medication utilized

• Ultrasound guidance enables real-time visualization of the surrounding anatomy

• Consistent safe zone enhances the protection of sensitive anatomic structures during ligament transection


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