OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

Why perform the Lapiplasty® Procedure?
Because metatarsal frontal-plane rotation matters
While hallux valgus has traditionally been viewed as a transverse plane deformity, research indicates that it is actually a three-plane deformity with 87% of patients having abnormal frontal-plane rotation (i.e. pronation) of the 1st metatarsal.3 Correction of metatarsal rotation is critical for restoration of anatomic first ray alignment (MTP joint congruity and sesamoid position), which left unaddressed, is associated with up to 12x likelihood of radiographic recurrence.4,5,6 Due to the ability to address the triplanar deformity at its origin, the 1st tarsometarsal (TMT) joint provides the optimal surgical site for true anatomic restoration.

What is the Lapiplasty® Procedure?
An instrumented, reproducible approach to 3-plane correction with rapid return to weight-bearing7

Make your correction before you cut
The Lapiplasty® Positioner is engineered to quickly and reproducibly correct the alignment in all three planes, establishing and holding true anatomic alignment of the metatarsal and sesamoids.8

Perform precision cuts with confidence
The Lapiplasty® Cut Guide delivers precise cuts with the metatarsal held in the corrected position, ensuring optimal cut trajectory while virtually eliminating the risk of metatarsal shortening.

Achieve controlled compression of joint surfaces
The Lapiplasty® Compressor delivers over 150N of controlled compression9 to the precision-cut joint surfaces, while maintaining the 3-plane correction.

Apply multiplanar fixation for robust stability
Low-profile Biplanar™ Plating provides biomechanically-tested 10,11 multiplanar stability for rapid return to weight-bearing.7


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