OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

Technology your patients can appreciate. Designed specifically for the small but challenging group of patients with isolated, end-stage patello-femoral disease, the KineMatch PFR (Patello-Femoral Replacement) offers a uniquely effective and conservative resurfacing solution. Because the device is precisely pre-fitted to the patient’s anatomy using CT (Computed Tomography) data, no resection of femoral bone is required. This also ensures proper implant alignment and preserves bone stock for the future. The KineMatch® patella, a standard all-polyethylene button, is used in conjunction with the femoral component.

And because the goal is not only to reduce pain but also to improve function, the KineMatch PFR is designed to restore knee kinematics by rebuilding the patellar groove for improved patellar tracking and by restoring the A-P position of the patella for proper quadriceps function.

The device is implanted in a simple surgical procedure with minimal joint disruption. A drill template matching the patient-specific femoral implant in both femoral fit and perimeter shape is provided for each case. The drill template margin is marked and the cartilage is removed from the bone in the area under the femoral component. Three peg holes are drilled in the anterior femur using the template. The CoCr femoral and UHMWPe patella implants are fixed via their pegs using bone cement.

Femoral components thickness is kept to a minimum in order to replicate normal cartilage thickness and provide for normal joint kinematics

Benefits of KineMatch® Patello-Femoral Replacement

• Created to address intractable patello-femoral disease when other treatment options have failed.
• Designed to approximate normal kinematics by re-establishing trochlear groove alignment and depth with the aim of simulating the function of a normal anatomic sulcus to facilitate proper patella tracking.
• Avoids femoral bone resection by utilizing CT modeling technology to achieve individual custom fit to the patient’s distal anterior femoral anatomy.
• Custom fit minimizes problems of soft tissue impingement often seen with “off-the-shelf” patello-femoral implant designs.
• As compared to total knee replacement rehabilitation time is significantly decreased.
• Post-operative knee function is potentially better compared to total knee arthroplasty.
• Generally, operative time is significantly less than total knee surgery. (http://www.kinamed.com)

Surgical Technique

Product Brochure

Kinamed, Inc. Website


Technique Tips



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