OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

The BONE TOOL™ allows the surgeon to harvest several cores of cancellous bone and a substantial quantity of marrow along with small fragments of bone generated during the harvest process. The vacuum ensures that the structural integrity of the cancellous core is substantially maintained while facilitating its removal from the ilium.

Once the harvest is complete, the marrow elements are mixed with the harvested cancellous cores. This mixture of cancellous bone and bone marrow is then implanted into the host site. The syringe action of the plunger/bone tamp further allow the surgeon to draw additional marrow from the harvest site.

· Collect marrow (stem cells/Autologous growth factors) in s separate reservoir

· Easily obtain cancellous bone from within the ilium

· Leave the inner and outer tables of the ilium intact

· Reduce postoperative pain at the harvest site with minimal dissection of the muscle and periosteum

· Enhance the harvest process by using hand-eye coordination and proprioception


Surgical Technique


Orthopedic Sciences, Inc. Website

Technique Tips



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