OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

-To minimize the risk of patient dissatisfaction and
implant failure, Prophecy® Pre-Operative Navigation
Guides deliver more repeatedly accurate resections
for optimal function and balanced loading to the
prosthesis. This is essential because patient
satisfaction and implant survivorship are directly
linked to accurate alignment of the prosthetic
components in total knee arthroplasty. Studies show
the probability of revision surgery at fifteen years with
accurate alignment is 4.7%.1-6 However, the rate
drastically increases to 54% with malalignment.1-6
Prophecy® can make a measurable difference.

How does it work?

-With normal knee kinematics and stability throughout
the full range of motion, eMP™ and aMP™ Knee
Systems better replace the natural stabilizing
structures of the knee. They also prevent feelings of
instability, which is the most common cause of TKA

-Combined with the Prophecy® Pre-Operative
Navigation Guides, both knee systems are distinctly
capable of delivering successful knee replacements.

Simple instrumentation
Conforming resection guides

-Replacing much of the standard instruments typically
involved in establishing resections, Prophecy® guides
conform to each patient’s individual anatomy. Through
natural contours and osteophytes, Prophecy® guides
are designed to fit precisely to the patient for optimal
alignment, implant function, and longevity.

-Competitive designs require resecting through nylon
cutting slots, which can contaminate the joint with
particulate debris. With built-in housings for metal
cutting guides and pins, Prophecy® guides are fully
compatible with standard instrumentation to provide
precise, clean resections and even allow for recuts if

Improved operating room time

Reduced surgical steps
-Up to twenty or more surgical steps required with
standard instrumentation can be eliminated by using
Prophecy® guides.

Reduced operative and turnover time
-Operative and setup time can be greatly reduced by
using more surgically efficient and reproducible
Prophecy® guides instead of standard

No IM canal penetration
-With alignment and rotation established virtually
prior to surgery, Prophecy® cutting guides do not
require intramedullary canal penetration. Standard
instrumentation previously forced surgeons to drill
into the intramedullary canal to establish correct
alignment, which could potentially increase the risk of
intraoperative complications.

Accurate results

Improved alignment
-By aligning the knee pre-operatively using
unobscured anatomic landmarks, Prophecy® guides
improve accuracy and eliminate intraoperative bony
landmark identification previously required to
determine ideal femoral alignment and rotation.

Standard checks
-To provide secondary checks for proper alignment and
resections, Prophecy® guides are fully compatible
with standard instrumentation unlike competitive

• More consistent neutral mechanical axis alignment.
• Fewer +/- 3° outliers of the hip-knee-ankle line.
• No soft tissue impingement or issues with poor bone quality.


MicroPort Orthopedics Website

Product Brochure: Prophecy Preoperative Navigation Guides

Technique Tips



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