OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

Unique Formulation
-InQu’s composition of a resorbable polymer, PLGA,
integrated with a biologic molecule, hyaluronic acid,
creates a biosynthetic scaffold ideal for bone

Tailored Resorption Time
-PLGA provides a biopolymer scaffold with a
resorption profile tailored to match the rate of new
bone formation.

Rapid Cell Binding
-Hyaluronic acid creates a cell-friendly
microenvironment with a favorable pH, allowing
InQu to bind up to 78% of MSCs within 20

-InQu Bone Graft Extender & Substitute combines a
biologic molecule with the consistency and cost
effectiveness of a synthetic to create a new
category of bone graft: Biosynthetic.

Proven Efficacy:
-Clinically proven fusion rates of 94%,
outperforming fusion rates for ICBG at 12

-Integrated PLGA and hyaluronic acid creates a cell-
friendly microenvironment, binding MSCs and
growth factors2,3.

Success in Complex Cases:
-Demonstrated robust fusion, even in challenging
high-risk patients.

Faster Fusion:
-Shorter time to fusion vs. traditional synthetic bone
grafts AND superior overall fusion rates at 12 months:
93% vs. 68%4.

Use with Confidence:
-InQu offers a cost-effective, on-label solution for
fusion throughout the spine.

Exceptional Handling:
-A cohesive, moldable putty providing ease-of-use for a
variety of applications.

A Faster Path to Healing

-InQu partners with the body’s natural processes to
form bone in a shorter period of time without inciting
an immune response. In contrast, traditional
synthetics rely on inflammation and recruitment of
specialized cells to digest the mineral scaffold before
new bone formation can begin.

InQu Paste Mix Plus:
-Cohesive putty available in 1.25cc, 2.5cc and 10cc

InQu Matrix:
-Available as 5x5cm and 5x10cm moldable strips.

InQu Granules:
-Available in 10cc and 30cc sizes as a graft extender.


Isto Biologics Website

Product Brochure: InQu

Technique Tips



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