OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

This revolutionary polymer-based cerclage system is designed to solve many of the inherent problems of traditional monofilament wire and cabling systems. The polymer cable is made from a combination of nylon and ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene. The metal clasp is made from either cobalt-chrome alloy or titanium alloy.
The tensioning instrument allows for precise tightening and locking of cables as well as sequential re-tensioning of previously placed cables.

Features of the system include:

• Fatigue strength superior to both wire and cables thereby reducing complications due to breakage.
• The elimination of cable-generated metal particle debris that have been shown to greatly increase wear in adjacent total joints.
• Provides long-term dynamic compressive loading across bone fragments to offer the possibility for better healing and increased construct strength.
• Cables can be easily retightened to adjust cable tension, especially when multiple cables are applied, both saving time and reducing the number of cables required.
• Cables are easy and quick to manipulate within the wound.
• No metal cable contacting metallic implants.
• No sharp cable ends to irritate patient tissue.
• No sharp cable ends to cut surgeon’s gloves.


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